Side, Front and Rear DOT stripping shall be applied on each side of the trailer. DOT stripping will be red and white reflective stripes.
Two (2) smooth aluminum plates shall be installed, one (1) each side of the dunage compartment in matter to applied desired Fire Department Lettering. Lettering supplied and installed by CET.
On the back of the trailer shall be a red / yellow NFPA approved rear chevron.
There shall be one aluminum diamond plate platform on front A-frame of trailer (aft of hitch) and aluminum diamond plate platform shall be provided at the front and the rear of the foam tank.
Medium Kochek Wheel Chocks with storage bracket installed on the street side of the trailer for quick deployment.
There shall be two (2) foam tanks integrated in the same tank on the trailer. Each foam tank shall be constructed of PT2E polypropylene sheet. Each Foam tank shall be welded with Heavy Duty extruded joint. The material shall be of a certified, high quality, non-corrosive, stress relieved thermo plastic, black in color with a textured finish, and UV stabilized for maximum protection. The unit shall incorporate transverse partitions manufactured for 3/8’’ PT2E polypropylene which shall interlock with a series of longitudinal partitions constructed of 3/8’’ PT2E polypropylene. All swash partitions shall be so designed to allow for maximum water/foam and air flow between compartments and are fully welded to each other as well as to the inside of the tank.
- There shall be a standard 2” in width, 70% transparent sight gauge on both foam tanks.
- There shall be a gauge on the front of both tanks.
Each tank shall be equipped with one (1) fill tower with a combination vent/overflow and manual fill tower. The fill towers shall be 24’’ x 13’’ x 7’’ high rectangular drop-on type cover. The covers shall be fastened to the tower with a teather to prevent loss. The towers shall be located in the passenger and driver side rear corner of the tank. The tank cover shall be constructed of 1/2’’ thick PT2E polypropylene, black in color, UV stabilized.
Tank will be baffles in accordance with NFPA bulletin 1901 requirements, latest version.
Each fill tower shall be labeled respectively for each Foam Tank 1 and Foam Tank 2.
Each tank shall not be painted and be black in color.
There shall be a 2” vent installed each fill tower.
Each tank shall have a capacity of 500 U.S. gallons. The tanks shall be covered by the ALL OUT No Fault Life Time Warranty.
The floor of the tank shall be manufactured from 3/4’’ PT2E polypropylene. There shall be one (1) sump on each tank. The sump shall be 10” x10” x 3” under the floor. Each sump shall have 1-1/2” NPT female drain.
There shall be two (2) outlets on each tank located in the same horizontal plane at the backward wall of the tank. One outlet shall come with 2-1/2’’ female NPT tank to pump suction fitting.
The other shall be a 1.5” NPT for tank fill(s). Both shall come with 1-1/2’’ female NPT tank fill fitting with flow deflector.
The cover shall incorporate two (2) booster reel mounting blocks that shall be to accommodate two (2) each sliding nut fasteners. These 3’’ large mounting blocks shall be welded to the covers forward and backward of welded compartments.
The foam tank shall not be welded or otherwise permanently secured to other components, except the top storage compartments.
Two (2) 1.5” drains shall be plumbed off, one (1) on each sump. The valves shall be furnished with a 1.5’’ NST swivel adaptor with a 1.5 NH plug and chain. Each drain shall terminate behind of the wheels.
There shall be a compartment made of ½” polypropylene sheet, internal dimensions are 69-1/2” Long X 15” High X 17-1/2” Wide.
The compartment shall be welded on the top of the foam tanks. There shall be a hinged aluminum lid sealed with a gasket. This compartment shall be capable of storing loose equipment, and suction hoses. The compartment floor shall be covered with black Turtle Tiles.
There shall be an additional storage compartment made from ½” polypropylene sheet, dimensions 69-1/2” Long X 15” High X 54-3/4” Wide. This compartment shall be capable of holding a minimum of 20 – 5 gallon cans of foam. The compartment floor shall be covered with black Turtle Tiles.
All piping shall be stainless steel piping, painted red. The inlet piping shall consist of a 6’’ manifold tube. The inlet overboard shall have two (2) 5” Chrome NST adaptor connections with chrome cap. There shall be two (2) 5” X 2.5” Siamese Gated Wye and shipped loose. All threads shall be NST Thread.
One (1) pressure gauge shall be tapped into the 6” manifold tube and shall be easily readable from ground. This gauge shall be a 4” master gauge liquid filled and 0 – 300 psi.
There shall be two (2) drain valves for flushing and maintenance purposes.
One (1) Akron Apollo monitor #3416 shall be supplied and installed centered of the master discharge manifold. The monitor shall have a handwheel controlled vertical travel. Monitor ground base shall be included and installed on the rear passenger of the trailer. The ground base shall have a 4” NST threaded inlet.
The monitor shall include one (1) self-educting master stream nozzle designed for educting foam at flow rates up to 750 gpm. Model to be #4475 Pyrolite Akrofoam Akron Nozzle with spring loaded baffle that allow flow setting selection of 350, 500, 750 gpm.
The educting foam nozzle shall be able to flow foam from either foam tank.
The monitor shall be plumbed by 3” stainless steel tube with a 3” Fire Type quarter turn swing-out valve.
Four (4) pre-connect cross lays made from polypropylene sheet shall be supplied and installed on top of the front of foam tanks. Hose trays shall have a black vinyl snap canvas cover and side nets. Each area shall be designed to prevent the accumulation of water and allow for ventilation to aid in drying hose in the storage area. Black Turtle Tiles to be installed and bolted on the floor.
Two (2) cross lays shall be capable of storing 200’ of 2” jacket fire hose. The dimensions of these two (2) cross lays shall be 9” Wide X 10” High X 72” Long.
There shall be a 2.0’’ full flow valve piped from the 6’’ suction manifold to each cross lay. Each valve shall be an Fire Grade, quarter turn swing out valve with a chromed handle and be connected to each cross lay by 1-1/2” high pressure flexible plumbing.
Each cross lay shall have 125 GPM flow Akron model #3125 foam eductor allow foam from either tank.
Each cross lay shall have a 1.5” pre-connect 90 deg. swivel elbow.
Each cross lay shall have a 2.5” Liquid filled gauge 0 - 300 psi.
Two (2) cross lays shall be capable of storing 200’ X 2.5” jacket fire hose. The dimensions of these two (2) cross lays shall be 11” Wide X 10” High X 72” Long.
There shall be a 2.5’’ full flow valve piped from the 6’’ suction manifold to each cross lay. Each valve shall be an Fire Grade, quarter turn swing out valve with a chromed handle and be connected to each cross lay by 2-1/2” high pressure flexible plumbing.
Each cross lay shall have 250 GPM flow Akron Model #3250 foam educator allow foam from either tank.
Each cross lay shall have a 2.5” pre-connect 90 deg. swivel elbow. Each cross lay shall have a 2.5” Liquid filled gauge 0 - 300 psi.
Akron Municipal Eductors feature a large, easy to read, and removable metering dial with infinite settings between 0% and 6%. Detents at 1⁄4, 1⁄2, 1, 3 and 6%. The Eductors are rated to flow at 200 psi (14 bar) inlet pressure and work well with nozzles rated at 75 and 100 psi (5 and 7 bar).
A matched pre-plumbed matched jet-ratio controller shall be piped off the 6’’ water manifold with a 1.5’’ valve and a chrome cap. The JRC discharge connection shall have 95 GPM flow Akron Model #3095 foam eductor allow foam from either tank. The discharge shall have a 2.5’’ liquid filled 0-300 psi pressure gauge.
The pump shall be a CET 11hpHonda rotary gear Gorman pump and shall be permanently mounted on that rear of the trailer. The pump shall be capable of flowing 50 GPM at 50 PSI.
- Size: 2’’ x 2’’ (51 mm x 51 mm) NPT - Female.
- Casing: Aluminum,open type,
- Two Vane Impeller: Ductile Iron
- Replaceable Wear Plate: Carbon Steel. Intermediate
- Bracket: Gray iron.
- Seal: Type 31 Mechanical Self Lubricated, Silicon Carbide Rotating and Stationary Faces. Fluorocarbon Elastomers (DuPont Vitone or Equivalent). Stainless Steel No. 18-8 Cage and
- Spring. Flap Valve: Buna-N w/Nylon Reinforcement;
- Flange: Aluminum.
The pump shall be driven by a single cylinder, gasoline engine powered, 11 horsepower at 3600 rpm. The engine shall be air cooled, 12 volt electric start and recoil rope starter as a back up system.
The engine shall be fuelled from a 6 quarts (6.5 liter) integrated gas tank. The engine shall have his own battery.
The battery shall have a weatherproof box with battery conditioner.
A control panel shall be the standard Honda control panel supplied and installed on the pump.
All piping shall be stainless steel piping, painted red. The suction piping shall consist of a 2.5’’ tank to pump line for each foam tank with a 2.5’’ flexible rubber hump hose to minimize flex and vibration between the pump and the tank.
Between the tank and the pump there shall be two (2) 2.0’’ Fire Type, quarter turn swing out valve, one (1) for each tank with a handle. Each valve shall remain open to pump from the tank.
The pipe shall have a tee into the suction side of the pump, and shall continue to the rear of the truck for overboard suction. The overboard suction connection shall have a 2.0’’ Fire Type, quarter turn swing out valve with a handle and 2.0” cam lock fitting.
To draft, the tank to pump valve shall be closed, a suction hose connected to the overboard suction connection and placed in a static foam supply.
All piping shall be stainless steel piping or high pressure flexible hose. A 2.5’’ X 2.5’’ square stainless steel manifold shall be piped directly to the discharge outlet of the pump. Attached to this discharge manifold, by means of welded stainless steel pipe nipples, shall be all the discharge valves. All piping shall be painted red to match the pump.
There shall be a 2.0’’ valve piped from the transfer pump discharge manifold to each tank fill inlet. The valves shall be a Fire Type, quarter turn swing out valve with a handle and shall be connected to the each tank by 1.5’’ high pressure flexible hose. These discharges shall be designed to refill each tank in the most efficient manner without foam agitation. There shall be a 2.0” valve piped from the pump discharge as a service line and shall be furnished with a 2.5’’ NST cap and chain.
There shall be a 1’’ valve piped from the discharge manifold to the booster reel. The valve shall be an industrial quarter turn valve handle and 1’’ NPT threads, and shall be connected to the reel by 1’’ high pressure flexible hose.
One (1) 12v electric rewind booster reel capable of handling 100’ of 1’’ diameter booster hose. The reel shall have a push button rewind control and a backup geared crank rewind handle. The reel shall be equipped with a 1’’ NPT 90 degree swivel inlet, and a 1’’ NST outlet riser. The reel shall be manufactured of steel and shall be primed and painted red. Reel to be installed on the rear center between the foam fill towers, facing each side. 100’ of 1” Rubber booster hose shall be supplied and installed.
One set of high mounted roller and spool assemblies shall be furnished and installed. The high mount rollers shall allow hose to be deployed off either side of the trailer.
One (1) 120’’ long translucent 2’’ suction line with a cam-lock 2’’ NST-M at one (1) end and a cam-lock 2’’ NST-F on the other end shall be provided.
One (1) 40’’ pick up tube and one (1) 18’’ pick up tube for pumping concentrate from 55 gallon barrels or 5 gallon pails shall be provided. One (1) PVC 1.5’’ shut off valve with a 90 degree PVC elbow with 2” cam-lock male at the end shall be provided on each pick up tube.
Generator package - The trailer shall have a mounted but removable gas powered generator with a recoil start 5000 watt EB5000 X2C2 Honda generator at the rear of the trailer, over the transfer pump. The generator shall have a fitted red vinyl cover. The generator shall have two 50’ 12-3 extension cords.
The generator shall have two telescopic scene lights model FRC OPA-642-S50-ON 500 watt tripod lights mounted in a way as they will be removable.
There shall be four (4) 700 series Whelen super LED 3” X 7” red flashing emergency lights installed on the trailer. Two (2) shall be located on the rear bumper of the trailer red in color and two (2) shall be located on each fender, one (1) on the driver’s side and one on the passenger’s side. The lights shall be wired to the battery of the pump with a control switch located on the pump control panel labeled “Warning Lights”. There shall be a battery charger installed and wired to the battery of the pump. This charger shall charge the battery from the auxiliary port on the 7 way wiring plug when connected to the vehicle trailer lighting system.
The trailer and all products shall be tested after the pump and all its associated piping and equipment have been installed on the fire apparatus. The tests shall be conducted at the manufacturer’s approved facility. The testing shall include at least the pumping tests, the priming device test, the vacuum test. The water tank-to-pump flow test and the piping integrity test.
CET warrants to the original purchaser that CET will, at its election, either replace or repair any part of the new equipment sold to the purchaser hereunder which has been given no abnormal use; and which has received proper maintenance; and which is determined by CET to be defective in material or workmanship; and which has, within one (1) year after delivery to the purchaser be returned at the purchaser’s expense, with transportation charges prepaid, to CET factory OR which has, within one (1) year after delivery to the purchaser, been pre-approved by CET for a third-party to perform the work. All problems shall be reported to CET in writing and damaged parts shall be returned to CET.
- CET incurs no liability under this warranty or otherwise for parts, accessories or components not manufactured by it, but purchased for assembly into the equipment, but CET will assign to the Purchaser whatever warranty rights are extended by the supplier of such part, accessory or component
- CET incurs no liability under this warranty or otherwise, for equipment which has been abused, altered or improperly maintained, or for equipment which has been returned for inspection or repair more than ten (10) days after defect complained of has been or should have been discovered by the Purchaser, or Equipment which is operated after the defect has been discovered.
- CET incurs no liability for alteration or repairs unless the Purchaser first receives CET / written consent or approval. CET will not be responsible for work or repairs made or done by others.
- CET incurs no liability for design alterations, parts, accessories or components which are not standard but are specified by the Purchaser for incorporation into the equipment.
CET shall not be liable for transportation charges either in shipment to or by it and shall not be liable for loss of use, or consequential damage of any kind in connection with the sales, alteration, repair or replacement of any equipment or part thereof. Liability under this warranty is limited to replacement or repair and in any event shall not exceed the purchase price paid. This warranty is not transferable by the Purchaser. CET reserves the right to make changes in design or add any improvements to the Equipment at any time without incurring any obligation to install or modify same on other equipment previously supplied.
There are no other warranties, conditions or representations, expressed or implied, except the above.
CET Fire Pumps, Mfg. warrants each CET water and/or foam tank to be from manufacturing defects in material and workmanship for the service life of the original vehicle. Every CET tank shall be thoroughly inspected and tested for leaks before leaving our facility and must be installed in accordance with the CET Fire Pumps, Mfg. installation guidelines.
CET will repair or, at its option, replace the tank with a new tank. CET will cover customary and reasonable costs to remove and install the tank. This warranty will not cover the tanks that have been improperly installed, misused, or abused. The serial number must not have been altered, defaced or removed. CET will not cover any unauthorized third party repairs or alterations. Any of these actions may void the warranty.
There are no warranties, expressed or implied, which extend beyond the description of the face, hereof. There is no express or implied warranty of merchantability or a warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Additionally, this warranty is in lieu of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of CET Fire Pumps, Mfg. This warranty contains the entire warranty. It is the sole warranty and price agreements or representation, whether oral or written, are either merged herein or expressly canceled. CET Fire Pumps, Mfg. neither authorizes any person supposing to act on its behalf to change, nor assume for it, any warranty or liability concerning its product. In no event will CET Fire Pumps, Mfg. be liable for an amount in excess of the currently published retail price plus installation and removal cost of the tank, for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, incidental, consequential, or otherwise arising out of failure of its product.
This warranty gives you the specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Some states do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damage, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Since some states do not allow limitations on the length of an implied warranty, the above limitation may not apply to you.
The warranty is transferable within the United States and Canada at the discretion of CET Fire Pumps, Mfg. by notifying CET Fire Pumps, Mfg. within thirty (30) days of the vehicle transfer date. At that time, CET will, at it discretion, provide a transfer of ownership form.
Materials, parts, or procedures used are subject to change at manufacturer’s discretion at any time to provide equal or better products.