Salesman of the Week | CET Firepump

CET Dealer Salesperson of the Week

Winning # 625

$50.00 Visa Gift Certificate

Drawn weekly
This program is for CET Dealer Salespersons.  Each CET authorized dealership salesperson has been issued a CET Challenge Coin with engraved serial number.  Compare your coin number to the winning number above.  If it is a match, call CET at 800-567-2719 to verify and redeem your prize.  New numbers drawn each Monday so check back weekly to see if you are a winner. Prizes must be claimed by mid-night Sunday’s, or you forfeit your claim. Current prize is a $50 Visa gift card.  If you are a CET dealer salesperson and you aren’t registered with a CET challenge coin, let us know.

Thank you for the work you do for CET and good luck!